Sunday 27 May 2018

How to demand and get attention.

Sorry for the paucity of post (should that be pawcity?) 
However male servant has been concentrating on his toy soldiers and not upon me.

Having been out all day leaving me to the bordem of exploring four gardens and upsetting two dogs he comes home and thinks he can paint uninterrupted.

Laying an old newspaper on the table before painting he turned his back.

Ignore me if you can!

Wednesday 9 May 2018


Earlier to my access to back garden three with the small tree I had been discussing access to back garden four with Minstrel but every time I put my head through the hedge she bopped me, saying it was a long jump down and I should try easier venues first.

I thought she meant garden two, if you recall there is a secret passage to it at the back of the shed.

So I snuck in when no servant was paying attention and saw that the fence this side was an easy climb, of course, you may have realised by now that climbing is a thing.

Moving swiftly I was soon up the fence and on top of the garden shed.

From there it is an easy walk on to the Gazebo.

Tabitha, bless her, showed me how safe the fence was jumping up onto it from there she demonstrated how easy it was to jump down into garden two.

I observed and then decided to jump on to the fence, only to be whisked away rapidly and placed on the ground.

He does not play fair, so I rushed into the front garden.

Monday 7 May 2018

Question; How high can a servant climb a tree?

Not very far it seems and then he cheated and used a metal ladder.

I had been allowed out and given access to next door's back garden through a hole in the fence, that had previously been blocked.
Why you might ask, well I'd got there already via the front gardens and they figured at least this would allow me back safely. 
Hah I laugh at safe!
A miscalculation on their part was the tree, I spoke to Minstrel later apparently they'd had to fetch her down a couple of times too, although she says, she can negotiate it easily now.

It's only a small conifer tree abut 30' high and if you look closely to the left you can see me posing near the top. The right hand picture is a reconstruction to show where I posed and a star to show the highest point I'd reached. The silly servant could only get as far as the top of the hedge and that was with a ladder.

This is a shot of me ignoring the proffered hand, I felt confident enough to hiss and snarl at these unwarranted offers of assistance. After all one must make a point of letting servants know when they are exceeding their position.
Anyway I was determined not to be helped, but he insisted and grabbed me, I let him know what I thought, climbed to his shoulder and tried to jump off, but he held on grimly and female servant treated the odd nick or two (maybe 7) that I'd inflicted on his back.

However I showed them, as soon as it was safe I shot back up the tree and had reached 7' when a tin of biscuits was rattled and an offer of milk was made so I came down.
After all t
he tree will still be there tomorrow. :)

My tree and his wimpy ladder. My reward a cool saucer of milk.

P.S. - As you may have gathered I wont be told what to do. Having lulled them both in to a false sense of security I climbed the tree again, yes I needed coxing down, and I nearly fell twice. But I got down to the lowest branch and then climbed down backwards.

Talent learnt!

Sunday 6 May 2018

Chilling with my dudes and food.

Time for a chinwag and exchange tales, I'm on the left Minstel is on the right whilst Tabitha is centre.

We are all due a flea treatment so I have been weighed I'm 4kg, not bad for just over 6 months and not a lot of spare flesh, still a kitten but turning into a lean machine.

Tabitha who is now 4 weighs in at just under at 3.8kg, whilst her twin sister is quite a few grams over at 4.2kg, so now we know who eats all the biscuits. ME!

There is talk of a bigger cat flap.

I have been paying close attention to my 'co-owners' I'd deiced I may have learnt all I can from Minstrel as far as the outside is concerned. 

This is her showing me how not to climb the gazebo, she says it was on purpose but I noticed the relief on her face when male servant helped her down.

Then I saw this, how did she get there!

Inside is a different matter, quite how she cons/negotiates that many snacks out of the servants I don't know but I'm trying to learn all her tricks. I've not got them all yet, I often see her munching when I'm not.

However this is one up on her, dunked biscuit has become a favourite of mine.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Tree climbing demonstration and practise.

Tabitha and I watched Minstrel climb the small 30' conifer in next doors garden, we were watching so intently that male servant saw us and came to take a photo whilst muttering about getting her down again.

But you climbed down to the last branch and elegantly jumped to the top of the fence in a very confident way.

I was so impressed I started practising I found I could see over the fence.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Sorry for the long paws.

I'm a little confused, I thought my name was Smudge, but it seems I have other names.
Velcro Paws, Lightening, little blighter (or worse) and others.

So what have I been up to? 

I have been walking around the 'Garden' assesing the boundries. Female servant shouts when I go to certain points, if I persist male servant is called and I am pulled off whatever I happen to be on. I resist, but even my super sharpened claws can't keep me in place.

I have learnt that with a long enough run, I can run along and up the 5' superlap fence. Not quite sure what to do at that point, it was high and I couldn't see an easy way down. Despite my resistance I was pulled off and placed on the ground. 'Smudge cat has got Velcro Paws,' he shouted.

For a while I sat on top of the Walnut stump, assessing the distance and trajectory I made a 4' 45 degree leap from the top of the stump to the seven foot fence where I proceeded to pass into the thick hedge, male servant was quicker than I'd hoped and although he could only hold my rear end, it was enough for him to stop me then cupping his other hand round my chest pull me back. I wasn't happy and I may have accidentally left a few marks on his brown arm. Again he referred to me as Velcro paws.

There is a metal gate at the side of the garden, Tabitha crawls under it so I waited until the coast was clear and followed, damn but that male servant is good he opened the front door ahead of me so I ducked back. I think he is learning to be a cat, he silently watches and moves sometimes he catches me out. Female servant shouts at me and wonders why she can't catch me.

I watched him and took my chance ducking under the gate again I looked round to find him following me, I pushed on, I think he thought he was my wing man I looked under cars and popped across to the the neighbours car, much bigger than ours, a crashing gate and a barking dog sent me scurrying to my safe zone but, 'I'll be back!'

So tired Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...