Sunday 6 May 2018

Chilling with my dudes and food.

Time for a chinwag and exchange tales, I'm on the left Minstel is on the right whilst Tabitha is centre.

We are all due a flea treatment so I have been weighed I'm 4kg, not bad for just over 6 months and not a lot of spare flesh, still a kitten but turning into a lean machine.

Tabitha who is now 4 weighs in at just under at 3.8kg, whilst her twin sister is quite a few grams over at 4.2kg, so now we know who eats all the biscuits. ME!

There is talk of a bigger cat flap.

I have been paying close attention to my 'co-owners' I'd deiced I may have learnt all I can from Minstrel as far as the outside is concerned. 

This is her showing me how not to climb the gazebo, she says it was on purpose but I noticed the relief on her face when male servant helped her down.

Then I saw this, how did she get there!

Inside is a different matter, quite how she cons/negotiates that many snacks out of the servants I don't know but I'm trying to learn all her tricks. I've not got them all yet, I often see her munching when I'm not.

However this is one up on her, dunked biscuit has become a favourite of mine.

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Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...