Tuesday 1 May 2018

Sorry for the long paws.

I'm a little confused, I thought my name was Smudge, but it seems I have other names.
Velcro Paws, Lightening, little blighter (or worse) and others.

So what have I been up to? 

I have been walking around the 'Garden' assesing the boundries. Female servant shouts when I go to certain points, if I persist male servant is called and I am pulled off whatever I happen to be on. I resist, but even my super sharpened claws can't keep me in place.

I have learnt that with a long enough run, I can run along and up the 5' superlap fence. Not quite sure what to do at that point, it was high and I couldn't see an easy way down. Despite my resistance I was pulled off and placed on the ground. 'Smudge cat has got Velcro Paws,' he shouted.

For a while I sat on top of the Walnut stump, assessing the distance and trajectory I made a 4' 45 degree leap from the top of the stump to the seven foot fence where I proceeded to pass into the thick hedge, male servant was quicker than I'd hoped and although he could only hold my rear end, it was enough for him to stop me then cupping his other hand round my chest pull me back. I wasn't happy and I may have accidentally left a few marks on his brown arm. Again he referred to me as Velcro paws.

There is a metal gate at the side of the garden, Tabitha crawls under it so I waited until the coast was clear and followed, damn but that male servant is good he opened the front door ahead of me so I ducked back. I think he is learning to be a cat, he silently watches and moves sometimes he catches me out. Female servant shouts at me and wonders why she can't catch me.

I watched him and took my chance ducking under the gate again I looked round to find him following me, I pushed on, I think he thought he was my wing man I looked under cars and popped across to the the neighbours car, much bigger than ours, a crashing gate and a barking dog sent me scurrying to my safe zone but, 'I'll be back!'

So tired Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...