Saturday 16 November 2019

Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use', why should I when they can open the 'servant' door?

As I grew in size it was decided that the Cat Flap was too small for a fully grown adult male and that this  might be why I was reluctant to use it.

Weighing in as I do at just under 6kg, I'm a little bigger than the girls who are 3.9kg and 4.1kg.

Anyway they bought a new Pet Door, same system as the old. but wider as seen opposite

The servants knew the new door would be Tabitha proof as it has two buttons and no handle to twist like the old door to the left

'There is no way', said the male servant, 'that Tabitha will get out as she'd need three paws

We have two doors now one in the kitchen the other in the conservatory, due apparently to my habit of sitting in front of a door blocking it.

They've been in place 12 months.

So this is the Tabitha proof door that was replaced.

Over the last few days Tabitha has put in a lot of work.
Male servant has been berated for letting Tabitha out.
It became clear that she could open the door if it was set on entry only, so it was set on no cat gets in or out! mode.

Two days ago male servant heard her trying to get in and let her in muttering, ' How the heck did she get out?'

Thinking this was human error, last night all cats were counted in, the door locked securely and all cats counted again.

All safe and secure no cat was going anywhere.

This morning there was no sight nor sound of Tabitha, had history repeated itself?
Male servant recalled her running from Pet door to pet door and the sound of it clacking back into place as she tried to open it  hooking her claws in and pushing the buttons sequentially, failing and trying again.

Yes history had repeated itself as Tabitha walked in cold because she'd had to wait for the silly human to open the door.

So they will have to leave the door on the easier, cat can get back in setting as they don't want her to be in the cold all night.

Female human is busy composing another e-mail thingy to Sure Pet.

We await results, heh heh!

Cat Flaps and their correct use
Cat Flap v Tabitha phase 1

PS Tabitha has been asleep all morning.

Cat flap V Tabitha phase 1

This is a bit of an historical post, but as I was very small I was kept apart in a separate room so I can only report what I was told today by Tabitha.

Anyway this is Tabitha's story.

December 2017

Unaware of the panic that was ensuing in the shared house as the servant's scurried around Tabitha was hunting, later Minstrel updated her on the events in the household.

A major hunt of the home took place and every resting place was investigated. Whilst female servant was berating male servant over his inadequacy and leaving the cat flap open Tabitha walked in unaware of the uproar in the house and happily accepted the treat she was given.

This happened again and at one point male servant being fed up at being told off was keeping an eye on Tabitha and witnessed part of the event.

This is a cat flap, it's a very sophisticated four way micro chipped door.

In the locked position, Tabitha has worked out that she can bite on and work the knob to the next position unfortunately this is the exit only/no entry mode, so the servants can't leave it in this position as she can't get back in.

Leaving it on entry only, the knob is flush and Tabitha can't turn it, but if she plays at it long enough it seems she can hook her claws behind the gate and then push the button down allowing her to pull the gate forwards. She's then out, but can get back in.

So the servant left it like this whilst they schemed.

With Tabitha's continuing disappearances from the house and reappearances outside due to magic, teleportation or cunning, the female servant decided to out think Tabitha, but she cheated.

E-mail thingies (apparently the are electric butterflies that carry messages), anyway e-mail thingies were sent to Sure Flap and after a flurry of these thingies, Sure Flap supplied, at no cost, a replacement, a thumb proof door. They probably meant 'paw proof' as cats haven't got thumbs (yet).

In the words of male servant .
"Thumb/paw proof door now fitted. Went purrrfectly, let's hope that the young lady's unauthorised absences now cease."

This is the image of the newly fitted door and it worked Tabitha didn't ever got out through that shut flap.

See Cats flaps and their correct use

Cat flaps and their correct use

My servant's claim I'm not bright enough to know how to use a cat flap or in this case the larger Pet door, silly human servants they just don't get it.

I am in fact brighter than they and I've trained them to open it for me and keep an eye on the garden so when they see me sitting patiently under the Gazebo. Alternately they call me and I come in for a treat.

Their way does nothing for their well being whilst my way gives them plenty of exercise and a treat for me, it's a win-win.

In order to use the human operated system you walk up to them, nuzzle them and walk to the door, hit the door in case they don't get it then assume the position looking pointedly at the human door response unit.

I'm pleased to say that Tabitha and Minstrel are now copying my example and await proper service in the morning. They have less patience the rest of the time and make their own way in and out. I think they have forgotten how to use servants properly.

After taking them to the required door, look out of it and touch it to make the point. Bang it to attract attention if required.

Sit and await service.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

I'm Two

Sorry for the hiatus in posting, my paws could never quite hit the keys in the correct order, plus I can't spell.

It's 13 months since my servant, the one I dictate to, well actually I dictate to all of them, so I should say my scribe, banged his head whilst sleeping, he's not been right for a while, some say he's never been right, usually the female members of the family.

Yeah stupid human, that's why cats will rule once we have sorted out this opposable thumb issue.

Anyway this month I'm 2 years old.

As a reminder here is cute me at about three weeks.

Here I am at two, let me say here and now, I don't do being held.

Although I feel I'm terribly underfed as I never get the number of treats I'm entitled to.
I suppose I'd have to say I have been well looked after as I have grown.

A little more of a handful as you can see, the VET 'Hissss spit' says I should lose weight, that 6 kg is enough, that's 13.2 lbs for those outside the metric system.

December 2017

In my spacious bed on top of a tower I could climb but not jump down from.

May 2019, the bed has clearly shrunk and it's not as high

This is me chilling

And whilst I'm talking about opposable thumbs................   It's only a matter of time, Vets first then...............

Friday 8 June 2018

Kill practise.

These days I get out and about but today the cat flap wasn't left tied up for me but left down to encourage me to push my way through.
Apparently that is open, I think not, I deserve and demand a servant opens the door of my choosing when I want it.

Due to the inexplicable behaviour of my servants I hand't been able to run up my daily tally of trees.

I had to get rid of the energy somehow.

This tissue box annoyed me, it was empty.

However the toilet roll was a good lark.
I've not played with one for weeks now as they hide in draws, male servant got careless, female servant has berated him, heh heh.

Friday 1 June 2018

Wisteria hysteria.

Whilst strictly speaking this is not about me, it does follow on from my early days of boredom when I honed my scratching and catching skills by removing mastic from various windows, doorways, baths, sinks, wherever it lurked I stripped it!

Because of the ingress of ants through the slimline gap caused by my distressing boredom. The male servant had received some serious and persistent requests from female servant to re-apply the caulk, NOW, to the window's sill and beading around the glazed units. 

Naturally whilst this was going on the activity and the open window had to be investigated, we all sat on the window and watched then Minstrel and I jumped down to the grass, however Tabitha decided to climb the Wisteria.

Here she is as viewed from the bedroom window, before being carefully scooped in by my terrified male servant.

I'm not sure if he was more terrified of female servant's reaction, or potential vet bills.

I must say it is a very commanding view.

And here is the route she took!

Apparently male servant is still lying down recovering.

Sunday 27 May 2018

How to demand and get attention.

Sorry for the paucity of post (should that be pawcity?) 
However male servant has been concentrating on his toy soldiers and not upon me.

Having been out all day leaving me to the bordem of exploring four gardens and upsetting two dogs he comes home and thinks he can paint uninterrupted.

Laying an old newspaper on the table before painting he turned his back.

Ignore me if you can!

Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...