Saturday 16 November 2019

Cat flaps and their correct use

My servant's claim I'm not bright enough to know how to use a cat flap or in this case the larger Pet door, silly human servants they just don't get it.

I am in fact brighter than they and I've trained them to open it for me and keep an eye on the garden so when they see me sitting patiently under the Gazebo. Alternately they call me and I come in for a treat.

Their way does nothing for their well being whilst my way gives them plenty of exercise and a treat for me, it's a win-win.

In order to use the human operated system you walk up to them, nuzzle them and walk to the door, hit the door in case they don't get it then assume the position looking pointedly at the human door response unit.

I'm pleased to say that Tabitha and Minstrel are now copying my example and await proper service in the morning. They have less patience the rest of the time and make their own way in and out. I think they have forgotten how to use servants properly.

After taking them to the required door, look out of it and touch it to make the point. Bang it to attract attention if required.

Sit and await service.

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Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...