Sunday 31 December 2017

Moving in to the rest of the house part 1 - Yay, race track!

The tent has arrived, the Feliway Friends also.

With this plugged in we hope it will calm everybody down. The tent in the sitting room will allow all the cats to see and sniff without the ability to cuff. The FF will hopefully reduce the established pair's sense of threat.

A secure home Smudge can now work on Tabitha and Minstrel.

When they are out we secure the room and let him roam, getting used to their smells and of course creating smells for them.
They both come in vary wary of the cage and it's occupant and to a degree will stay out of the room if he is in there, leaving in a huff.

Smudge has a different opinion as to the purpose of the cage.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Hiding and fighting practice

Smudge's adventure continues with more training.

We have purchased, and await the arrival of a circular mesh/fabric tent, that will allow him to be in the same room but safe.

Tabitha and Minstrel still growl and we wonder what to do. Our little fellow is so cute and we don't want to return him.

We read up on Feliway Friends and have decided to get some, in the meantime we have tried introducing him to the girls, one of us holding him the other T or M, growls and hisses are the usual reaction with ears flat down.

Hiding practice

 Fighting practice

Tuesday 19 December 2017

My first kill!

It's white, larger than me and I'm bored locked in the bedroom with en-suite, no real friends and left  on my own for years on end.

So I killed it!

Congratulate me............................................

............why are you laughing?

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Learning life skills 1) Hunting

I have no kitten siblings to play with and I'm still kept apart from the two cats I can smell.
I have seen them both, their growls and hisses were less than encouraging.
Training sessions are arranged for me.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

New friends

Due to the fact that my male human was going backup stairs it was thought I needed company.

Chip, the suasage dog is a new friend from Ikea, pink oblong thingy is also a good friend as is blue rectangle they have been know to move mysteriously and need to be pounced on and controlled.

P.S. Apparently someone said I am a time waster

Saturday 9 December 2017

Settling in

In my new accommodation, one of the first things I did was run up a cylindrical cats hotel.
Trouble was at 1M high I was  unable to jump down and had to be assisted so this was moved  next to the bed so I could get down.
I could now get on the bed unaided and had a grand time running around the room scaling the tower jumping on to the bed, then to the floor where I could the run around and scale the tower again.

This is me sitting on my tower "High Five!", my new mummy gave me a teddy, I also like the bubble rug and suckle it purring madly whilst kneading the rug.

I'm unaware of the fact that the other residents don't like it.

My bed is now always with my human, until he moves out.

Friday 8 December 2017


Dec 8th

Apparently all it needed was a photo opportunity and a sad story and I had a new home.

With two cats already in residence there was some concern that they might object.
Cats aren't as sentimental or daft as humans, they'd see me as another mouth that needed feeding and a threat to their control of their domain.

How could they be sure I'd know my place, my potential new owners were surprisingly aware of this and so I was to be fostered until they knew the three cats would get on.

Here I am checking out my new 'temporary (?)' domain, the servants were planning on my introduction.

I had a whole room to myself complete with en-suite, the female human felt I'd need some comfort at night so the male human complied and shared the room with me the first two nights, this was fantastic! I had someone to play with and dap all night. The hairless bit on the top of his head was good for licking and the large proboscis great for dapping.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

My Begining

My name is Smudge.

I'm not sure of my birthday as I was found outside an RSPCA rescue cattery where I had been left and this is the photo of me 6th December 2017.
They have all decided I was about 7 weeks old and that therefore I was born about the middle of October.

A kind lady found me wandering outside and took me in.

I was well fed and used to human contact, but I don't know why I was left where I was, at least they'd cared enough to leave me somewhere safe, I think they loved me but couldn't manage.

The kind ladies at the cattery and East Berkshire RSPCA called me Rudolf as it was close to Christmas.

My cute factor was considered and the kind lady at the RSPCA knew a likely new home.
She promptly sent this picture and video and waited for a result.

Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...