Friday 8 December 2017


Dec 8th

Apparently all it needed was a photo opportunity and a sad story and I had a new home.

With two cats already in residence there was some concern that they might object.
Cats aren't as sentimental or daft as humans, they'd see me as another mouth that needed feeding and a threat to their control of their domain.

How could they be sure I'd know my place, my potential new owners were surprisingly aware of this and so I was to be fostered until they knew the three cats would get on.

Here I am checking out my new 'temporary (?)' domain, the servants were planning on my introduction.

I had a whole room to myself complete with en-suite, the female human felt I'd need some comfort at night so the male human complied and shared the room with me the first two nights, this was fantastic! I had someone to play with and dap all night. The hairless bit on the top of his head was good for licking and the large proboscis great for dapping.

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Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...