Friday 6 April 2018

Friday, goodbyes and garden frolics

I was tired today as I was up all night.

The household staff, had a visitor over the last few days she uses a frame to walk around and used my ground floor bedroom. I allowed her to share my double bed, but I checked on her every hour on the hour. A sniff, lick or paw would get her attention, she went home today and I sort of missed her as she was always giving me treats, my knowledge of the variety of human food went up. American cheesecake with Blackcurrants and prosecco, is a new favourite, quiche is good especially the bacon bits and the sun dried tomatoes with basil crackers were ok, but I'm not impressed by Camembert, what a strange thing to do with milk!

Waving my paw in farewell and having established full control of my room it was time to see the garden again.

My first trip out this morning was with the mothering human, she can't do enough for me, I believe the training is complete. Sitting in the border by the garden wall I surveyed our domain.

Observed and monitored by Tabitha I check out the back of the garden and inspect the efforts of yesterday's mowing. To be honest I'm a little under whelmed, all that noise for this, no I'm not impressed, I do feel it should be redone.

If you can spot Tabitha in both the above and below photos give yourself a gold star as you are almost as keen eyed as I am.

The staff change over was rather ill planned and I had to be locked in the bedroom so the girls could have the freedom of the garden whilst trained servant went to work and I waited for my chewy toy/person to return from dropping off the visitor.

I wasn't happy and could be heard mewing on his return. Still it wasn't a fruitless two hours as I managed to find a new vein of mastic to rip up and developed the newest skill of carpet lifting, did you know it goes into strings if you claw at it long enough?

In the afternoon I was allowed into the garden again whilst he weeded, but just between you and me I think it was an excuse for him to crawl around and pretend to be a cat.

My final offering of the day is this photo.

If I look startled it's because the local builder had just made a loud noise as I posed for the camera.

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Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...