Saturday 16 November 2019

Cat flap V Tabitha phase 1

This is a bit of an historical post, but as I was very small I was kept apart in a separate room so I can only report what I was told today by Tabitha.

Anyway this is Tabitha's story.

December 2017

Unaware of the panic that was ensuing in the shared house as the servant's scurried around Tabitha was hunting, later Minstrel updated her on the events in the household.

A major hunt of the home took place and every resting place was investigated. Whilst female servant was berating male servant over his inadequacy and leaving the cat flap open Tabitha walked in unaware of the uproar in the house and happily accepted the treat she was given.

This happened again and at one point male servant being fed up at being told off was keeping an eye on Tabitha and witnessed part of the event.

This is a cat flap, it's a very sophisticated four way micro chipped door.

In the locked position, Tabitha has worked out that she can bite on and work the knob to the next position unfortunately this is the exit only/no entry mode, so the servants can't leave it in this position as she can't get back in.

Leaving it on entry only, the knob is flush and Tabitha can't turn it, but if she plays at it long enough it seems she can hook her claws behind the gate and then push the button down allowing her to pull the gate forwards. She's then out, but can get back in.

So the servant left it like this whilst they schemed.

With Tabitha's continuing disappearances from the house and reappearances outside due to magic, teleportation or cunning, the female servant decided to out think Tabitha, but she cheated.

E-mail thingies (apparently the are electric butterflies that carry messages), anyway e-mail thingies were sent to Sure Flap and after a flurry of these thingies, Sure Flap supplied, at no cost, a replacement, a thumb proof door. They probably meant 'paw proof' as cats haven't got thumbs (yet).

In the words of male servant .
"Thumb/paw proof door now fitted. Went purrrfectly, let's hope that the young lady's unauthorised absences now cease."

This is the image of the newly fitted door and it worked Tabitha didn't ever got out through that shut flap.

See Cats flaps and their correct use

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Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...