Friday 30 March 2018

Good Friday, a tale of catflaps and wet ground

For a cat that kept sitting by the cat flap, trying to get out or chatting to Tabitha, blocking her entry. Smudge wasn't so keen on being introduced to it.

To activate the memory on the cat flap you press a button and then it will remember the next cat through. I consider this might be a design fault, have you ever tried to push a growling, hissing cat through a small hole whilst all the while it stretches out all it's legs into a starfish pattern?

Chasing Smudge around the house to ensure he could get out and worry us seemed perverse.

Anyway, having passed him through we felt we could open the door and let him explore.

First cautious steps

Tabitha and Minstrel watching him.

Smudge wasn't impressed by the wet ground and kept shaking his feet.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

I'm bored!

Went to the Vets yesterday, 3.5 kg not bad at 5 months!

He put some funny stuff on my neck and I overheard talk of more on Wednesday and sorting the catflap to know my chip for Friday.

In the meantime I've determined that all mastic must go!

In addition all and any toilet rolls will be rendered ineffective.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

22 Weeks

Tomorrow will be 15 weeks since I was found, maybe 22 since I was born.

On the right you can see me holding my Ikean friend Chip, I'm about 8 weeks(?) 12th December.

I was busy last night striping more mastic, you know it's all over the house, anyway I was sleeping off the fatigue and below you see me with my friend again, the photo taken today would indicate one of us has grown or the other shrunk.

On a passing note at the beginning of the month my two co-owners Tabitha and Minstrel were weighed at the vets, Tabitha was just below 4 kg whilst Minstrel weighed at just over 4 kg.

The humans weighed me at home, one human stood on scales with and without me. They checked it twice, in fact they checked it four times - I weighed 3.1 kg.
Previously one of my humans was concerned I wasn't getting enough food, she still worries over me, but not so much.
The other human was less concerned, he'd said if I was hungry I would eat and he had seen me finishing off any remaining adult wet food, whilst ignoring my own; Minstrel happily ate that, we frequently exchange plates.

Sunday 18 March 2018

Mastic removal; a skilled task

Seems in his continuing effort to get out, Smudge has developed a new skill that has resulted in most of the excess mastic being removed from the back door, he is now perfecting this skill trimming excess mastic from the kitchen windows.

The evidence......

Tonight's Haul!

What will the pile be like when the hummies wake up!

Saturday 17 March 2018

Catching snowflakes

Today more of that white fluffy stuff fell from the sky.
Tried catching it; do you think I need to be the other side of the glass too?

It's all very tiring. Smudge out cold after a long and fruitless snowflake hunt.
Seems his bed of choice is still the one in in his first room.

Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...