Wednesday 16 October 2019

I'm Two

Sorry for the hiatus in posting, my paws could never quite hit the keys in the correct order, plus I can't spell.

It's 13 months since my servant, the one I dictate to, well actually I dictate to all of them, so I should say my scribe, banged his head whilst sleeping, he's not been right for a while, some say he's never been right, usually the female members of the family.

Yeah stupid human, that's why cats will rule once we have sorted out this opposable thumb issue.

Anyway this month I'm 2 years old.

As a reminder here is cute me at about three weeks.

Here I am at two, let me say here and now, I don't do being held.

Although I feel I'm terribly underfed as I never get the number of treats I'm entitled to.
I suppose I'd have to say I have been well looked after as I have grown.

A little more of a handful as you can see, the VET 'Hissss spit' says I should lose weight, that 6 kg is enough, that's 13.2 lbs for those outside the metric system.

December 2017

In my spacious bed on top of a tower I could climb but not jump down from.

May 2019, the bed has clearly shrunk and it's not as high

This is me chilling

And whilst I'm talking about opposable thumbs................   It's only a matter of time, Vets first then...............

Cat flap v Tabitha phase 2

Cat Flaps I've slipped through the door when I wanted to, but see my previous post; 'Cat flaps and their correct use ', why ...